SAN / EMC: CX4 DAE (Drive Shelf) Information
This will not get very detailed, but I figured I would share the following information. In light of not being happy with the typical “each shelf has a 4 Gig interconnect” statement, I kept checking...
View ArticleSAN / EMC: Clariion CX4 Solid State DAEs (Shelves)
Going over the solid state offerings for the EMC Clariion lines, Texas Memory RamSans came into the conversation. This was due to the fact that we currently run 2 RamSans in our Environment and...
View ArticleStorage, Network: What I have Been Doing (EMC,Cisco UCS)
This is more of an informational update of things that I have going on right now. I normally do not publish day-to-day type of things, but here we go. Storage We have received both replacement drives...
View ArticleStorage, SAN: EMC Clariion LUN Trespass
So we are in the process of working with EMC to have 10gb ISCSI interfaces installed in our CX4. I knew that we had a lot of trespassed LUNs and that those had to be corrected before the install could...
View ArticleCisco UCS and Nexus 5000 DataCenter – Our Implementation
Our Cisco 10gbE implementation consists of 2 Chassis fully populated UCS with a mix of full and half width blades. The servers are all boot from SAN with no local disks. “PALO” cards are used in all...
View Article10gb Ethernet – A Year Later / Buy It Carefully
What I am getting at here is do not underestimate the amount of ports you will be using. We have implemented Cisco UCS with 6120 switches but also installed a pair of Nexus 5010 switches as well. Going...
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